The Tragedy of Macbeth

Blank verse, definitions, and ideas
Act 1 Summaries
Act 2 Summaries
Act 3 Summaries
Act 4 Summaries
Act 5 Summaries
blank verse, definitions, and ideas
Writing Assignment 1
Writing Assignment 2
Writing Assignment 3
Writing Assignment 4
Writing Assignment 5

Blank Verse, Definitions, and Ideas

Blank Verse- composed of unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter has five feet, or beats, per line, and every other syllable is stressed.
     Examples of blank verse: 
     Your face my thane, is as a book where men
     May read strange manners. To beguile the time,
Definitions and Ideas:
a.) plot- is the sequence of events in a literary work.
The major conflict was the struggle within Macbeth between his         
ambition and his sense of right and wrong; the struggle between the    murderous evil represented by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and the best interests of the nation, represented by Malcolm and Macduff.
b.) setting- is the time and place in which the events in a literary work take place. The Tragedy of Macbeth takes place in the Middle Ages, specifically the eleventh century. It mainly takes place in Scotland. In specific scenes it takes place at Inverness, on a desolate heath, at Forres, and many various places in which Shakespeare uses the characters to imply on the location.
c.) atmosphere-  The atmosphere is dark and foreboding. It can also be said that it was doomy and Shakespeare describes the weather as foggy "thick night".
d.) imagery-" trange garments, cleave not to their mold, But with the aid of use." Banquo points out that the robes thrown onto Macbeth look as if they belong to someone else. Banquo does not say it aloud, but perhaps he has Malcolm in mind. Angus, one of the noblemen of Scotland, evidently has an opinion of Macbeth as well; "Now does his title hang loose upon him, like a giant's robe Upon a dwarfish thief ", reiterating the fact that the robes of royalty that Macbeth wears are unfit for him. He feels that the King was too large, too powerful a man, for Macbeth to fit into his robes. Symbolically, Angus may even be attacking Macbeth's manhood, much like Lady Macbeth had. Angus may simply be saying Macbeth is not man enough to be kin.
e.)theme- is the central idea, an idea that can usually be expressed as a general statement about life. The corrupting nature of unhecked ambition; the relataionship between cruelty and masculinity, and the difference between kingship and tyranny can all be said to be themes of Macbeth.

Shakespeare in the Elizabethan Age