The Tragedy of Macbeth

Summary of Act 4 Scenes 1-3

Act 1 Summaries
Act 2 Summaries
Act 3 Summaries
Act 4 Summaries
Act 5 Summaries
blank verse, definitions, and ideas
Writing Assignment 1
Writing Assignment 2
Writing Assignment 3
Writing Assignment 4
Writing Assignment 5

Act 4 Summaries

Act IV. sc. I
Setting: A cavern, in the middle of a boiling cavern


  • Witches brew their concoction for a spell while chanting.
  • Macbeth goes to the witches to learn more about his future.
  • Witches conjure their master to tell Macbeth his future.
  • An armored head appears.
  • The first witch tells Macbeth the apparition knows his thoughts, he must not speak.
  • The armored head tells Macbeth to beware of Macduff.
  • Armored head disappears.
  • A bloody child appears.
  • The child tells Macbeth to be a evil as possible because no one born of a woman can harm him.
  • Bloody child disappears.
  • Macbeth says he does not need to fear Macduff, but to be really sure Macduff will not harm him he will murder him.
  • A crowned child with a tree in his hand appears.
  • The child tells Macbeth to be proud and not to worry where traitors are because he will never be defeated until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill.
  • Macbeth realizes that the forest cannot move.
  • Macbeth asks if Banquo's lineage will be kings.
  • The witches do not want to tell Macbeth the answer but he convinces them to tell him.
  • Eight kings followed by Banquo with a glass in his hand appear.
  • Macbeth sees all the kings look like Banquo, then sees Banquo with a glass showing him many more.
  • Banquo smiles at Macbeth and points to the kings and Macbeth takes this as meaning these are Banquo's Descendants.
  • Macbeth asks the witches if this is true and they tell him yes.
  • The witches, along with Hecate, try to cheer Macbeth up by dancing.
  • The witches vanish and Macbeth questions where they went.
  • Macbeth asks Lennox if he saw the witches and Lennox says no.
  • Macbeth says that those who trust the witches are fools.
  • Lennox tells Macbeth that Macduff has fled to England.
  • Macbeth says he will take action quickly.
  • Macbeth plans to attack Macduff's castle and kill his family.

Act IV. sc. II
Setting: Fife, Macduff's castle.


  • Lady Macduff asks why Macduff fled and says that when our actions do not make us traitors our fears do.
  • Ross says she does not know if he fled in wisdom or fear but Lady Macduff says it was not wise for him to leave his family in a place he himself has fled.
  • Ross tells Lady Macbeth that things at their worst either stop or get better.
  • Lady Macduff says her son has a father but he is fatherless because his father is not there.
  • Ross leaves.
  • Lady Macduff and her son converse about Macduff.
  • Sirrah says he will live as birds do with what he gets.
  • Lady Macduff says that Macduff is a traitor because he swears and lies and traitors must be hanged by honest men.
  • Sirrah tells her that traitors are fools because they outnumber the honest men and can beat them and hang them.
  • Sirrah does not believe his father is dead because Lady Macduff does not cry, and if he was and she did not cry it would be a sign he would quickly have a new father.
  • A messenger arrives and tells Lady Macduff she is in danger so she and her family should flee.
  • Lady Macduff says she did not do anything bad so why should she flee then realizes that sometimes being honest makes you a traitor and being evil is highly acceptable.
  • Murderers arrive, ask for Macduff, and call him a traitor.
  • At this Sirrah proceeds to defend his father's honor and dies in the process.
  • Lady Macduff runs away crying "Murder" followed by the murderers.

Act IV. sc. III
Setting: King Edward of England's palace.


  • Macduff and Malcolm converse and Malcolm is cautious to trust Macduff right away.
  • Malcolm questions why Macduff left his family and also questions Macduff's loyalty to him because Macbeth has not harmed him yet.
  • Macduff does not like his honor being questioned so he decides to leave.
  • Malcolm tells Macduff not to be offended by his suspicions.
  • Malcolm tests Macduff's loyalty to him by telling Macduff he is more evil than Macbeth, at first Macduff does not believe this but Malcolm convinces him of this.
  • Then Macduff says that Malcolm is not fit to govern or to live, and questions why he is so evil if his parents were so holy.
  • Macduff also regrets having fled from Scotland because now he can never return.
  • Malcolm then tells Macduff all he said about himself was a test to see if Macduff was like one of the others Macbeth sent to lead Malcolm straight to death.
  • A doctor enters and says that the king is coming but he is healing people with his touch at the moment.
  • Ross speaks to Malcolm and tells him of the chaos going on at home.
  • Ross tells Macduff that his family is well but does not go into detail, so Macduff questions why and Ross finally tells him everyone in his castle was massacred.
  • Macduff then blames himself for their death but then decides to avenge their death by killing Macbeth.
  • Malcolm and the others are going to begin the fight.

Macduff's castle

Shakespeare in the Elizabethan Age