Act V. sc. I Setting: at Inverness waiting for Lady Macbeth
to show up
- A Gentlewoman has seen Lady Macbeth walking in her sleep and asks for a medicine Doctor's advice.
- The Doctor says that Lady Macbeth's ability to sleep-walk is cause of perturbation and asks the Gentlewoman what other
strange things Lady Macbeth does.
- Lady Macbeth appears and the Gentlewoman says that she has light by her continually (she is afraid of Duncan's ghost).
- The Doctor notices that Lady Macbeth continually rubs and washes her hands but the Gentlewoman says that this is usual
of her (she wants to wash Duncan's blood off of her hands).
- Lady Macbeth remembers the clock striking 2:00 a.m. just before Duncan's murder and exclaims for the memory to be erased.
- Lady Macbeth recalls that Macduff's wife is dead and asks when her hands and Macbeth's hands will be clean of blood. She
says that
- Macbeth's sudden fits, which lead him to kill, cause disturbance and guilt.
- The Doctor says that Lady Macbeth's heart is greatly burdened as Lady Macbeth exclaims that no perfume will make her hands
smell fresh.
- Lady Macbeth recalls that Banquo was also killed.
- The Doctor says that Lady Macbeth's disease is not physical; rather, she needs spiritual healing.
- The Doctor prays for Lady Macbeth.
Act V. sc II Setting: A Scottish force marches toward
Birnam Wood to join Malcom and his English army.
- The English power lead by Malcom, Siward, and Macduff is near Birnam Wood to revenge Macduff's wife and children and Duncan.
- Lennox reports that Donalbain is not accompanying the English army; Siward's son and other youth are.
Caithness says
that some people in Dunsinane think of Macbeth as if he were crazy while others that do not hate him much say he is afraid
of being killed. He cannot hide his guilt.
- Those that will fight for Macbeth will fight by command not for love to him.
Act V. sc. III Setting: Macbeth is anxious at Inverness.
- Reports are brought to Macbeth that Scottish and English forces are coming against him but he tries to stay calm by remembering
the witches' prophesies 1.) he would not die in the hands of a woman born man or 2.) until Birnam Wood was moved to Dunsinane.
- Macbeth's servant is afraid of the ten thousand soldiers that make up the English army.
- Macbeth says that the outcome of the battle against the English army will determine if he keeps the king's throne.
- Seyton reassures Macbeth that the English army is coming.
- Macbeth asks for his armor and to kill (hang) those that fear the coming war.
- Macbeth tells the Doctor to cure Lady Macbeth. He asks him if he can erase the guilt that tortures her and put her in
a state of oblivion to relieve her heart.
- The Doctor says that if he were away from Dunsinane not even money would persuade him to go there.
Act V. sc. IV Setting: Country near Birnam Wood.
- Malcolm hopes that the war with Macbeth will end soon and that the land will safely recover from his rule.
- Siward asks what the forest ahead of them is called and Menteith says it is Birnam Wood.
- Malcolm instructs his army to cut branches from the trees and for everyone to cover themselves with the branches to conceal
their numbers from Macbeth.
- Siward reports that his scouts have reveled that Macbeth has fortified his castle and is preparing for battle.
- Malcolm says that Macbeth's soldiers only fight for him out of fear, not out of their loyalty to Macbeth.
- Siward tells the group that any decisions that have to be made have better be made now, because the battle is about to
Act V. sc. V Setting: Dunsinane. Within castle.
- Macbeth tells his troops to hang out their banners and to prepare for battle because Malcolm's army still approached.
- Macbeth tries to rally his troops, declaring that their castle will laugh at the enemies attempt to siege the castle and
that they will fight until famine and pestilence overwhelms the enemy.
- Macbeth claims that if those who were forced into the ranks of Malcolm's army were in the castle now, then they would
have gone out to the field and met Malcolm's army, man to man and would beat them back.
- Macbeth says that troops were forced into the service of Malcolm and Malcolm says that troops were forced into the service
of Macbeth.
- Macbeth hears the cry of women within the castle but says that there once was a time in which if he ever heard the cry
of a woman at night, that he would freeze with fear.
- But now Macbeth has seen and performed so many horrors, that the cry of woman no longer frighten him.
- Macbeth asks where the cry came from and Seyton tells him that Lady Macbeth is dead.
- Macbeth says that she should have died long before now, there were plenty of times in which she could have died before.
- Macbeth says that he is tired of living, he has performed so many evil deeds in his life that he no longer wants to live.
- Macbeth tells Seyton that life isn't important, that the purpose of living is to die, and that to live means nothing.
- A messenger comes to address Macbeth but hesitates to tell Macbeth because he doesn't know how to explain what he saw
to Macbeth.
- The messenger tells Macbeth that while he was up on the hill, probably scouting Malcolm's army, he saw the wood of Birnam
begin to move.
- Macbeth doesn't believe the messenger and even threatens the messenger with his life if he's lying, but the messenger
pleads with Macbeth, saying that if Macbeth doesn't believe him, then he should go up to the castle wall and see the moving
wood for himself.
- Macbeth sees the moving grove and recites to himself the witches prophesy, "fear not till Birnam Wood do come to Dunsinane".
The prophesy is becoming true.
- Macbeth tells his troops to arm themselves, to stop whatever their doing, and to prepare for battle.
- He tells them to not be weary of the sun, and to hope that the order of the universe will be undone to ensure their victory.
- But Macbeth himself isn't that sure that he will win the battle, one of the prophesies has come true, and he is now worried
about the other prophesies, he even tells his troops that even if they don't win they will at least die with honor.
Act V. sc. VI Setting: Dunsinane. Before the castle.
- Malcolm and his army approach the castle.
- Malcolm tells his troops to lay down their cover branches and tells Siward that he will accompany him with the first wave
and that Macduff will mop up any other enemy troops.
- Siward wishes everybody good luck, and hopes that either they completely win the battle or that they completely loose
that battle.
- Macduff calls for the trumpets to sound and for the battle to begin.
Act V. sc. VII Setting: Dunsinane Castle
- Macbeth realizes that he will not defeat Malcolm's army but he does not fear for his life because he remembers that the
witches said that nobody born of woman would hurt him
- Young Siward encounters Macbeth and on learning who he is declares his hatred for Macbeth; and attacks him but is killed
by Macbeth; Macbeth remarks that young Siward was born from a woman
- Macduff declares that he himself must kill must kill Macbeth because if not his family will hunt him and he goes to were
the battle is louder to find Macbeth
- Siward tells Malcolm that the lords on their side are fighting bravely and that Malcolm's army will most likely win the
Act V. sc. VIII Setting: Dunsinane Castle
- On seeing that he trapped Macbeth considers but at the same time dismisses suicide
- Macduff finds Macbeth and Macbeth tells him to depart because his soul is too much charged with Macduff's blood already
- Macbeth tells Macduff to use his sword on someone else because he is charmed and nobody born of woman can hurt him; Macduff
says he was taken from his mother's womb early so that he was not naturally born
- Macbeth realizes that the witches tricked him and refuses to fight Macduff
- Macduff threats him that if he does not fight he will be hung to a pole and be mocked and displayed for the tyrant that
he is
- Macbeth says he will not bow down to Malcolm as king and vows to fight till he dies
- Macduff kills Macbeth
- Malcolm and his thanes convene together
- Ross tells Siward that young Siward died like a brave soldier; and though Siward is sorry he is glad he died honorably
- Macduff comes to Malcolm an his thane's presence carrying Macbeth's head
- Macduff and the other thanes hail Malcolm as king
- Malcolm promises them reward for their service; he says he will call home all those that fled Macbeth's tyranny; he also
points that the evil queen, Lady Macbeth committed suicide
- Finally Malcolm invites everybody to Scone to see him crowned